Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Resident Services

Find Services for your Family

BRHA believes that our mission is not only to provide affordable housing but also to “provide the opportunity for families and others in need to achieve a higher standard of living.” To accomplish this we provide a variety of resident services with different kinds of activities targeted toward different outcomes.

  • Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Services: FSS coordinates public and private resources that help program participants obtain employment that will enable participating families to achieve economic independence. Supportive services most commonly provided to FSS program participants are child care, transportation, remedial education, and job training. The major components of the FSS program are a contract of participation between the PHA and the family, an individualized training and services plan for each participating family member, and an interest bearing escrow account. Credits to a family’s escrow account are based on increased income earned by family members during the term of their contract. On completion of the FSS contract, a family may claim its escrow account, if no family member is receiving welfare assistance.
  • Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) ServicesROSS links public housing residents with supportive services, resident empowerment activities, and assistance in becoming economically self-sufficient. This program works to promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources, for supportive services and resident empowerment activities. These services should enable participating families to increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance, make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency. This program does not have the contract of participation and the escrow account components that are in the FSS program.
  • Elderly/Disabled Services: Our Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator obtains supportive services for the elderly and persons with disabilities residing in public housing. The program’s objective is to help this resident population continue to live in place, independently, without having to move to more expensive assisted care environments. The Service Coordinator will work with community service providers to tailor services to the needs of eligible residents, establish a system to monitor and evaluate service delivery and outcomes, and coordinate with other independent living programs. We also have numerous “fun” activities that keep folks active and learning.

Use the links in the box at the top of this page to get more information about the different programs, including who to contact if you are interested.