
Our emergency phone line for reporting emergency work orders remains active by calling (276) 642-2006. For general inquiries, please call (276) 642-2001 or email: housingrequest@brha.com
Affordable Housing Alternatives
BRHA has a variety of housing opportunities available depending on a family’s or individual’s need.
Each of these housing programs has a separate application procedure. Please click on the link to the right for the program that interests you and see how to apply.
We provide three types of rental housing assistance programs: public housing program, housing choice voucher program, and low-income housing tax credit program:
- Public Housing: BRHA owns and operates 336 public housing units in six apartment complexes in the City of Bristol. Participants select an apartment in one of our complexes, sign a dwelling lease with BRHA and pay 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent.
- Housing Choice Voucher: In the HCV program BRHA provides rental assistance payments for participants who live in privately owned rental properties. Participants will sign an HCV participant agreement with BRHA and will sign a lease with the owner of the private property. Participants pay 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent.
- Tax Credit: BRHA owns and operates 74 units of affordable housing through the “tax credit” program. These units are located at Sapling Grove Apartments and The Village at Oakview. These units have fixed rents that do not change with a participant’s income; that is, rents are not based on a percent of a family’s income. You must have sufficient income to be able to rent these units.
Annual and Interim Rent Recertification
Annual Recertification:
Each year, tax credit clients must recertify that their information is correct, including their income and family composition. Annual recertifications are required by law. If you do not complete your annual recertification, or if you falsify information during this process, BRHA may terminate your assistance.
Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher clients are recertified every three years under the Moving to Work (MTW) Program.
Interim Recertification
If you have a change in income or family composition, it’s important to report this. These changes can affect the rent that you pay as well as the unit size for which you qualify. To report your changes, please contact your Property Manger or submit your information via the BRHA website using the income_change@brha.com email link.