Housing Choice Voucher Program
For general inquiries, please call (276) 642-2001 or email: housingrequest@brha.com
The Basics:
- BRHA Jurisdiction: City limits of Bristol, Virginia
- Waiting list : HCV waiting list is OPEN
- NOTE: We do respond to email requests with instructions about applying for housing in person at housingrequest@brha.com.
Families must lease up in our jurisdiction for the first twelve months of your lease.
How to Apply for HCV Program
- Applications for all programs must be completed at a computer kiosk at the BRHA office.
- Applications are for the Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority, which means that you will be relocating to Bristol, Virginia.
- Once your pre-application has been submitted and reviewed, you will receive a phone call and a letter stating your appointment date and time to begin processing your full application.
- You MUST return to Bristol, Virginia to finish the process or you will be removed from the pre-application wait list.
The BRHA partners with more than 100 private property owners to provide rental units to families in the City of Bristol Virginia in need of quality, affordable housing through the Housing Choice Voucher (“HCV”) Program. Some benefits of participating in the HCV Program include:
- Free Annual Inspections of your unit.
- Free Marketing – Owners can list available units by contacting our main office 276-642-2001
- Tenants are required to comply with provisions of your lease.
- Guaranteed Timely Payments – As long as the unit is in Housing Quality Standards (HQS) compliance, the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) are deposited directly into your checking or savings account.
- Tenant portion of rent is affordable based on income.
To become a landlord in the BRHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program or to learn more about the HCV program, call 276-642-2001 or send an email to contact@brha.com.
FAQ’s About Tenant Based Vouchers:
What are tenant-based vouchers?
Tenant-based vouchers increase affordable housing choices for very low income families with a tenant-based voucher choose and lease safe, decent, and affordable privately-owned rental housing.
What organizations are eligible to apply for tenant-based voucher funding from HUD?
PHA’s authorized under State Law to develop or operate housing assistance programs may apply for funding.
How do PHA’s apply for tenant-based voucher funding?
PHAs respond to notices of funding availability (NOFAs) published in the Federal Register, each NOFA identifies allocation areas, amount of funds available per area, and criteria for rating and ranking applications
What families are eligible to apply for tenant-based vouchers?
Very low income families (i.e. families with incomes below 50% of area media, these include a few specific categories of families with incomes up to 80% of the area median include families that are already assisted under the 1937 U.S. Housing Act, these include families physically displaced by public housing demolition, and owners opting out of tenant-based vouchers to section 8 housing assistance payments (HAP) contracts. (HUD determines levels for each area annually.)
How does a PHA determine if a family is income eligible?
The PHA compares the family’s annual income (gross income) with the HUD established very low or low-income limit for the area. The family’s gross income cannot exceed this limit.
How do families obtain tenant-based vouchers?
Families apply to local public housing agency (PHA) that administers the program. When an eligible family comes to the top of the PHA housing choice voucher waiting list, the PHA issues a housing choice voucher to the family.
How does a family obtain an apartment once they have a voucher?
It is the responsibility of a family to find a unit that meets their needs and that meets the housing quality standards, the rent is reasonable, and meets the other program requirements, the PHA executes a HAP contract with the property owner. This contract authorizes the PHA to make subsidy payments on behalf of the family. If the family moves out of the unit, the contract with the owner ends and the family can move with continues assistance to another unit.
How much rent do vouchers cover?
The PHA pays the owner the difference between 30% of the adjusted family income and the PHA determined payment standard or the gross rent for the unit, whichever is lower. The family may choose a unit with a higher rent than the payment standard and pay the owner the difference.
What regulations cover this program?
Regulation 24 CFR Part 982 can be found here.