Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority


Poverty simulations are a great way to put yourself in someone else’s shoes! Please consider signing up for one so that you can understand the daily struggles of those living at or below the poverty level. More information about registration can be found below.

BRHA participated in the first STRONG Kids Workshop of 2023 – The Community Action Poverty Simulation at the YWCA Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.

This simulation brought together educators, healthcare providers, social care providers, early childhood professionals, youth-serving organizations and others to deepen their understanding of the realities of poverty. The immersive experience was unforgettable for those who participated.

“Today’s Poverty Simulation experience was by far one of the best learning experiences I believe I have ever had,” one participant said. “The individualized sessions were presented in a way that left an incredible impact on me. Each scenario challenged me to look beyond what ‘appears’ to be happening and opened my eyes to realize additional challenges that simply cannot be seen.”

“As I took on my identity for the simulation, I felt real feelings of frustration and hopelessness. My personality changed within minutes. I didn’t recognize who I was for those two hours. What an eye-opening experience! Although I have always tried to serve others with an open heart and mind, I was humbled today to realize that I can do more. I can always do more.” said Amanda, a Ballad Health Foundation team member.

This is an excerpt from a post made by If you missed this event, there is an opportunity to attend on May 4th. Register at