Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Awareness Day at Virginia High

BRHA was proud to be part of the Fentanyl and Drug Awareness Day (F.A.D.) at Virginia High with hopes of educating students, families and the community members about substance abuse. Our booth allowed the students to use Fatal Vision Googles that simulate the effects of alcohol and drug intoxication. The students were asked to wear the googles and attempt to complete a sobriety test. Everyone who participated gave great positive feedback. We’d like to thank everyone for allowing us to contribute to such a great event!

BRHA Resident Services Manager, Lynn Pannell, is ready for some customers!
The consequences of driving impaired.
BRHA Elderly/Disabled Services Coordinator, TJ Bradley, assists with impairment goggle activity.

BRHA Self-Sufficiency Navigator, Lois Willis, demonstrates the impairment goggles.