Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Medicaid Open Enrollment Ends Soon

Medicaid Open Enrollment for Pregnant Moms and Children Is Now Going On

According to our community partner Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, it is now Medicaid open enrollment for pregnant moms and children under the age of 19. Open enrollment is going on now through February 28th. This is the only time during the year that this group of Medicaid recipients can switch to another Medicaid health insurance plan. So why is this important to you or your children? Because the two things that can change most often with a health insurance plan are doctors network and prescriptions. It’s always a good idea during open enrollment to call your health care provider to make sure that your doctor is still in your health network and that your prescription medications are still covered. If you discover that this is no longer true, then take advantage of this time to switch to a different health plan. Remember, going to an out of network provider or getting a prescription filled that is not covered by your health insurance means the costs of those products or services will come out of your pocket.

Switch either of these ways:
