Every year, on October 31st, BRHA pulls out all the stops to make it a memorable “ALL HALLOWS EVE !! We celebrated in “grave” style and appreciated all the hard work put forth to decorate and cook for this bunch.
- First Place in our Costume Contest goes to Mr. Ray Austin, VP of Finance and Administration, a.k.a. “ALADDIN”.
- In Second Place, Lisa, our Executive Director/CEO, as Tennessee Titans Quarterback Marcus Mariota.
- Enola, Admin Assistant for the Capital Investments Department, takes honorable mention as “GROOVY HIPPIE”.
THANK YOU to our HR/Accounting Specialist, Ms. Elizabeth (far right), for putting forth so much time and effort just for us!!

Pictured left to right: Jennifer, Ray aka “Aladdin”, Cathy, Lisa, Diana, Julie, Greg, Enola, Donna, & Elizabeth