Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Humans of HUD: The Trials & Triumphs of the Men and Women HUD Serves

Our very own Resident Commissioner, Denise, was a focus of “HUMANS OF HUD: The Trials & Triumphs of the Men and Women HUD Serves” (for the article in its entirety and spotlight on other individuals, visit the HUD website here). Through the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program, many participants are able to secure their very own home through hard work, tenacity, and a willingness to work hard to secure their own bright future.

We are so very proud of Denise for her accomplishments, independence, and ability to set these life goals for herself and her daughter!!

Bristol, VA

“My daughter and I lived with my parents for a while but we all needed more space and it was time to move on. I had to make a home for my daughter and show her how to be independent. Thanks to HUD, I’m more confident in myself now and know that I have a bright future. My daughter is 21 and about to enter the military. She is ready to fly!”

Denise enrolled in the Family Self Sufficiency program through the Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority. For the last 12 years, the Family Self-Sufficiency Program at the Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority has been helping residents establish goals to make a better life for themselves and their children. The program is open to HUD-assisted families and provides skills training, financial education, and other services-including help with securing a job. Denise currently serves on the Board of Commissioners for the Housing Authority and is working towards purchasing her own home.

 Read Denise’s story at

Also, visit Facebook for Humans of HUD and Denise’ spotlight Social Media!

Humans of HUD – U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development