In this addition of the EnVision Center monthly focus you will find February events calendar and our partner spotlight of the month, Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Located at the BRHA, the EnVision Center offers valuable training and educational opportunities for the residents of both Bristol, Virginia and Bristol, Tennessee.
Each month you can find resources that include counseling services and GED classes. The Center supports community partners that include Ballad Health Peer Recovery, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Mount Rogers Adult Education.
For more information about the EnVision Center, please call (276) 821-3080 or stop by the Center at 104 Oakview Ave, Bristol VA 24201.
February Calendar of Events
February Service Spotlight – Big Brothers Big Sisters
The EnVision Center is proud to host the Bristol Virginia branch of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Because of our location, directly on the border of Tennessee, the Bristol Virginia community is served by Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee.
The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
February is National Mentoring Month, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee would like to celebrate a special match. Big Brother, Andrew is a devoted mentor to his Little, Edward.
“Edward has grown a lot in the year I’ve known him. We’ve tried a lot of new sports and activities together that have got him out of his comfort zone. He seems more willing to try new things now! He’s also slightly more talkative than he was at first- where he would be on his phone a lot, now he engages in conversation more and seems more willing to share.” -Andrew
The over-arching tenant of the organization speaks directly to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in everything they do.
“Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) is not part of our work, it is our work. Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee (BBBS-ETN) is committed to remaining a welcoming and inclusive organization. We foster a culture that values the diversity of every member of BBBS-ETN’s community.”
Big Brothers Big Sisters is in immediate need of more “Bigs” to act as mentors. Please consider volunteering your time.
Would you like to mentor a child? Apply here: