Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Coalition Spotlight – December Luncheon

Once a month the BRHA is proud to host the Bristol Coalition, a group of 31+ partnering organizations with the shared mission of supporting residents of the greater Bristol area. 

This collective allows us to share resources and ideas, enabling us to build a more resilient community.

The December Coalition meeting was a time to connect and share our success of the year. Each attending member organization took a moment to share their greatest moments.

Highlights include:

Antonio Jemes, the new Bristol, VA Transportation Planner introduced himself to the coalition. He will be launching a micro-transit study to improve transportation access for the residents of Bristol, VA.   

Larissa Copley, Case Manager, Program Support Specialist, and Housing Locator of Family Promise shared the following, impressive impact information: 

  • Day Center served 553 unique individuals
  • Provided 3,217 lunches
  • Helped guests wash 586 loads of laundry 
  • Provided guests with 680 showers 

Biggest accomplishments include: 

  • 20 guests have become employed 
  • 29 guests have become permanently housed 

Appalachian Substance Abuse Coalition trained and distributed Narcan to 372 individuals during the Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion weekend in honor of World Suicide Prevention Day. 

The American Red Cross of Virginia distributed free smoke alarms as part of the Virginia Home Fire Campaign. This campaign is ongoing. Need a smoke alarm? You can find more information HERE.