Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority


More than half a million people in the United States are currently experiencing homelessness. Let’s explore the current state of homelessness in Virginia in more detail.

More than half a million people in the United States are currently experiencing homelessness.
This means that they live in a place that is not intended for habitation, such as a street side or an abandoned building, or they live in temporary or transitional housing.
While Virginia has far fewer homeless people than many other states, thousands of people still find themselves homeless in Old Dominion each year.
Let’s explore the current state of homelessness in Virginia in more detail.
What services are available in Virginia for the homeless?
Fortunately, there are multiple services in Virginia that can help the homeless in different ways.
For example, the Virginia Homeless Solutions Program is a funding source that helps support the implementation of housing-focused local emergency response teams across community activities designed to reduce the number of homeless families.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development can also help people in Virginia. For example, on its website, you can find information about providers of homeless services in the state as well as resources for food banks, Social Security services, and legal aid.
Organizations that work with homeless people and provide services to help end homelessness in Virginia are now better connected than ever, thanks to HMIS allowing service providers to better manage data for their programs and services.
The best homeless management information systems work with HUD standards and homelessness data to deliver databases that are configured according to the needs of a particular agency.
Basically, with HMIS, it is easier to collect data on the provision of services to the homeless and individuals at risk of homelessness. Combined with the great work that many homeless service providers do, HMIS enables organizations to better serve the homeless and people at risk of homelessness in Virginia.
Ultimately, the goal is to stop homelessness from happening entirely.
How many homeless people are currently in Virginia?
According to the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, the latest figures reported by Continuums of Care to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development show that as of January 2020, there were approximately 5,957 homeless people in Virginia on any given day.
Let’s take a closer look at these stats. Out of 5,957 individuals:
234 were unaccompanied young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years.
395 veterans.
621 families.
813 were suffering from chronic homelessness.
According to public school data reported to the Department of Education, between 2018 and 2019, during the school year, approximately 20,443 Virginia public school students experienced homelessness, among them:
185 were homeless.
1937 was in shelters.
3262 were in temporary housing such as motels.
15,059 was doubled.
To get a better idea of ​​the current homelessness numbers, let’s consult world population review website.
It shows that currently in 2022 there are approximately 5,783 people in Virginia experiencing homelessness, which is just below the 5,957 figure in January 2020.
How does Virginia homelessness compare to other states?
As noted in the introduction, Virginia has far fewer homeless people than other states. So, how exactly does Virginia compare?
The state with the most homeless is California, with an estimated 151,278 homeless people.
After California, the following states with the highest homelessness rates are:
New York, has 92,091 homeless people.
Florida, has 28,328 homeless people.
Texas has 25,848 homeless people.
Washington, has 21,577 homeless.
Massachusetts has 18,471 homeless people.
Oregon has 15,876 homeless people.
Pennsylvania has 13,199 homeless people.
Georgia has 10,443 homeless people.
Ohio, has 10,345 homeless people.
Posted Wednesday May. 11, 2022, 1:52 pm
Jessica Perkins story