From the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and Housing Equity Framework:
The Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response provides guidance to communities on how to use a wide range of federal funding sources, including CARES Act programs, strategically across key public health and economic recovery strategies to meet public health goals, increase housing stability, and prevent future increases in homelessness – all with a racial justice and equity lens.
To accompany the Framework, the partners have collected a set of Resources and Tools to assist you with implementation. These include: information on funding sources and eligible activities; protocols, forms and program designs from states, localities, CoCs and nonprofits; federal guidance, information and rules; places to look for more resources; interactive tools; and videos and infographics.
This Framework will be regularly updated as information on strategies, protocols, funding sources, implementation tools, and other resources emerge. The most recent version of the Framework is dated October 19, 2020. If this version does not appear when downloading, please refresh your browser.
Under each function is a number of short assessments that service providers can use to help evaluate and improve equity practices. The assessments are designed so that service providers can use a recent policy or decision as a reference point and offers recommendations on how future decisions might better incorporate an equity lens.
Access the Equity-Based Decision-Making Assessments at:
Access the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response at: