SHOUT OUT out to Kent Berryman and Misty Lee, Community Relations Managers with Anthem Healthkeepers Plus, for their generous and caring community activity here at BRHA. We appreciate you!
Our friends at Anthem HealthKeepers Plus would like to remind you that it is now open enrollment time for people enrolled in the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC+) Medicaid program. During open enrollment, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure that they are still in your insurance health network and that your prescription medications are still covered. If your doctor is no longer in network or your medications are no longer covered; then you can switch to a different health plan by calling 844-374-9159.
You can also go online to Open enrollment runs from Oct. 1st – Dec. 18th. Anthem HealthKeepers Plus offers extra no cost benefits for eligible members including:
- Meal delivery to your home after a hospital stay.
- 12 rides to grocery stores, hair salons or local events.
- Hearing exam and up to $1,000 for hearing aids, including 60 batteries and unlimited fittings.
- Coupon books with over $1,000 in savings.