Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

BRHA Hosts “NSPIRE” Webinar

On October 22, 2019, BRHA was host to more than 35 participants, including Little Ten Housing Authorities of Southwest Virginia, for the new “INSPIRE” inspection protocol changes that attempt to address Health and Safety issues by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The NSPIRE represents a complete change to the current UPCS standards. No longer will “Levels of Deficiency” be used (Levels 1 through 3), but a clearer “Yes” or “No” to a listing of entirely revamped potential defects. 

The proposed “Health and Safety” deficiencies are divided in two groups – “Severe” and “Standard”.  A total of 133  Severe defects must be corrected in 24 hours and 234 Standard H&S issues have a 30-day repair requirement. 

A full listing of the Health and Safety issues are available for review here:

Attendees of the “NSPIRE” webinar on 10/22/2019.
BRHA staff are repesented at a webinar addressing new HUD “NSPIRE” protocols .