Unlocking the Potential of America’s Children: Check Your Home-Protect Your Family “CHECK YOUR HOME – PROTECT YOUR FAMILY”
The theme focuses on the opportunity to protect current and future generations of children from the exposures to lead from contaminated paint, dust and soil; through the importance of home assessments and the impact it has on your health.
What is National Healthy Homes Month NHHM?
NHHM is a month-long campaign in June, offering an opportunity to create awareness around housing and its impact on health; to provide resources to encourage local activities, as well as empower families to protect themselves from hazards in their home. The month’s outreach activities aim to greatly boost awareness and understanding of what federal and local resources are available to make a difference in the lives of all residents, regardless of where they live. For more information and official press release, visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website here.