Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

FSS (“Find-A-Way”) Program Success Story!

 BRHA is delighted to announce its most recent FSS (“Find-A-Way”) Award Recipient

Ms. Davon Washington has made the dream of homeownership a reality!!!  Through her participation in the FSS (“Find-A-Way”) program, Davon has identified her goals, worked through them and made them happen. On December 20, 2017, Davon was recognized for her successful completion of the Program, culminating from lots of hard work, perseverance and commitment. A bright future lies ahead for Ms. Washington and her family.

Lisa R. Porter, BRHA Executive Director/CEO, and Ms. Davon Washington, FSS Award Recipient

Davon joined the “Find-A-Way” program with her dreams for a better future for her children.  She wanted them to have security and a house with a yard.  She has worked to make that happen.  She knew that she would need to have training for a job that would pay enough that she could buy and maintain a home.  The “Find-A-Way” program partners with People, Inc. in the Workforce Investment Program.  Through their efforts, a training program was made available to Davon.  She then enrolled at Northeast St. and worked toward a degree.  While she was working on her degree, she was able to do a Co-op with a successful, local manufacturing company.  This gave her experience in her field as well as class credit toward her degree.  She was able to graduate from Northeast St. in December. The company was so happy with Davon that they offered her a full-time job with benefits.

Davon said that she is excited to offer a bright future to her children.  They are able to see the benefits of a mother who is willing to work hard.  They have seen what happens when someone is determined to make a change.  She is proud of herself and happy about the difference this will make for her children.

Here at BRHA we are proud of Davon as well.  She joins a group of “Find-A-Way” graduates that have worked hard and completed goals to reshape their futures.  Their children are challenged to do more and be more.  They have seen what happens when their parents are encouraged and helped along the way.

To learn more about BRHA’s “Find-A-Way” Program, click here. You may also visit the U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for information about the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program.