As we age, our muscles become shorter and lose some of their elasticity. That makes moving difficult. When moving becomes difficult, we stop moving. We are afraid of falling and getting hurt. We become weaker. As times goes on, for some of us, we may even lose the ability to walk.
Stretching can help. It has many benefits. Stretching helps us to become more flexible and will help our muscles gain strength. Stretching helps with relaxation. When we have had an illness or injury that has caused us to become weaker, stretching helps us to regain strength. This will help us to remain independent.
When we don’t move, the muscles around our joints get weaker which can cause pain when we do move. Stretching helps these muscles stay strong. It improves blood circulation, reduces other symptoms of disease and helps us to feel better all over. Stretching is especially helpful for those with Arthritis, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis.
It is extremely important to keep muscles strong, even when we cannot walk or move for long periods of time. It may seem to be too simple and not worth the effort. But stretching every day can make a HUGE difference in the way you feel and your ability to move.
See more in our Mind/Body/Spirit Newsletter – August 2016