Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Baldwin Elected President of 10-State Industry Council

BRISTOL, Va. – The Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority (BRHA) announced that Dave Baldwin, BRHA’s executive director, has been elected President of the Southeastern Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (SERC-NAHRO).

“I’ve been involved with SERC-NAHRO since the early 1980s, serving in many capacities over the years,” Baldwin said. “I had no notion back then that I would remain in this industry so long; and never dreamed that I would become its president 30 years later.”

According to Baldwin SERC-NAHRO operates in the 10-state region east of the Mississippi River from Virginia-West Virginia-Kentucky on the north, down through Florida on the south. “SERC is the largest of eight regional councils of our national organization, consisting of over 700 member agencies who administer a variety of affordable housing and community development programs at the local level.” Baldwin said. “We provide education and training, industry information, networking opportunities and advocacy for our members.”

“It’s an honor and a privilege to have this leadership opportunity.” His two-year term in office began on October 1, 2015.